Thursday, January 24, 2008

My Big Girl

Eliana is getting really big... after taking these pictures I realized how much my baby doesn't look like a baby anymore but a toddler! My baby is growing up. I cut her bangs because they were getting in her face and it was really beginning to bother me. But the reality moment of when I realized how bad it was when I was at the store to pick up some random items one of them being a small pair of scissors for myself and the check out clerk looked at Eliana and said "Oh you going to cut her bangs so you can see her beautiful face..." to which I quickly replied, "um...yes." LOL. Oh well the cutting didn't go as planned I cut a little to high, but she still looks cute. Don't think she could look bad even if I went in zig zags.


Timbra said...

stacey, you should read one of my first blogs (probably going to have to look back to april? may maybe) Baby hair 101. . . the half ponytail to the side is my new friend, i refuse to cut alani's bangs, but i HATE when i leave the house without a rubberband and think that her bangs won't be "that bad" and then they are just straight down in her eyes these days. . i'm sure it bugs her too.

Guy and Nancy said...

HEY! I she looks cute with short bangs. All the models on tv have short bangs. Eliana is just trendy! HAHA! Love you and miss you. Sorry I haven't called. Life has been crazy!