Friday, November 30, 2007

Christmas Tree

We put up our Christmas Tree this week...actually on Monday and yes I am now just getting to post this pretty sad. It was a lot of fun to put up, it was just me and Eliana you can already see how this is going to go I am sure. She was really cute trying so hard to untangle the lights for me...finally she fell asleep though and I was able to get the lights and garland on. When Chris came home he was able to watch Eliana as I put on the ornaments. She has been really interested in the tree but we have told her no a couple of times much to her dislike but she has listened pretty well and has listened to us. Think the cat is more of a problem then Eliana is.

Monday, November 26, 2007

1 Year Old

Eliana's first birthday was a lot of fun. She didn't really like the frosting to much except to play got everywhere it took her a really long time before she would even put it in her mouth. She got lots of great gifts from all our friends and family...thank you so much. I can't believe she is officially a year old. I hate it and love it all at once. Eliana's grandparents came this weekend to see her for her birthday it made the day that more special.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


We had our first real snow on Tuesday night and Wednesday made everything seem more Christmas like. I believe the weatherman said we got 3-6 inches here. The picture we took above is from wed. afternoon when the sun had been out for awhile and had melted some of it but not a lot because the high yesterday was only 25 degrees, by 6pm after the sun had gone down it was only 9 degrees outside. Brrrrr!!!! I am now really excited about the holidays and really can't wait to see my family for Christmas, I haven't been home for Christmas in 2 years. Today is Eliana's first thanksgiving...we will be spending it with some of our friends here in Cheyenne. It should be lots of fun to see how many foods Eliana will actually like. I will be sure to let you know.
Eliana will be turning 1 on Sunday but we will be having her party on the 24th. I can't believe she is almost 1...I know I say that a lot.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Eliana has been growing so much lately...she is getting really close to walking. She is able to walk around with just holding onto one hand...wobbly but so cute. I wonder if she will be walking before her birthday?
We got her weighed and measured today she is 20lbs 12oz and 28 1/8in long.
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and Elianas birthday is two days after that. Think that we will be going to Jake and Stephs house for thanksgiving and then we will be having Eliana's party at there house on Sat. because they live off base and easier for those who aren't militarty. Should be fun.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Thinking about my Baby

Today I was just thinking about how much Eliana has changed in the last 11 months. She has changed from this tiny little girl who could only lay there and look up and a little girl who can move around and do what she pleases, yes she still needs me but not in the same way. What am I going to do when she is 16 (something I can't think about now). I am very excited to see who she will become in the future, but at the same time I hate that she will grow out of this stage I love this part of her life. I am sure that my friends understand this feeling who have children Eliana's age. Even though she is getting into everything right now she is also learning how things work and how to do things for herself. I love it...its really exciting...did I already mention that?
Next month Eliana will be 1 year. She will be an official toddler. My baby will no longer be a baby, but I will probably always call her my baby.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Party

We had a Halloween Party at our house for all of our friends here. We had so much fun...everyone wore costumes and Eliana even got to have her friend Wyatt over. They had lots of fun playing together. It was fun trying to keep up with both of them. Wyatt is 2 months younger then Eliana but he keeps up with her just fine, if anything Eliana is trying to keep up with him.