Friday, October 12, 2007

Eliana's 10 month pictures. It was really hard this time for some reason to really make her pay attention...the leaves were just to much fun and the dirt under the leaves was even more interesting. I can't believe how fast she is growing. I was looking at one of my friends sites and how she just had her baby and she just posted all her pics of when she was in the hospital. It seems like only yesterday that was me. I miss those times but I love watching her learn new things... like playing in the dirt can be fun.


Anonymous said...

Hey Stacy...thanks for your comment. I do have to say that I myself did not take that picture, I just got to be the good looking model. :o)

Katie and I enjoy seeing your pictures of Eliana every time you post. She sure is a cutie!

We hope things are going well for you three.

Love you,

Brandon and Katie

Guy and Nancy said...

hey - she is getting really cute. I am glad that you are having so much fun with her. It is awesome being a mommy - love you, nan