Monday, October 29, 2007

Just a quick note

I have a couple of minutes before I had out to pick up a friends kid from school. A lot has happened this past week but the crazy thingest thing that has happened this week is Eliana falling down the stairs. I went downstairs to do the laundry and shut the gate behind me. While I was loading the machine I heard the dog pop the gate open. I turned to go up the stairs but before I even took a step I heard a couple of thumbs and then screaming...I ran to the stairs to see Eliana laying at the bottom of the first section of steps crying. We got to the hospital right away but before we even left the house she had calmed down and stopped crying. The doctor told us she was fine and that "babies bounce" she just had a couple of bumps and bruises. We are so lucky that that is all that had happened to her, it could of been so much worse.
She is crawling every where now and she is getting really fast. She also is pulling up on everything and moving along the edges of the couch and table. We found out that she weighs 19lbs 10ozs.
We are going to be having a Halloween Party here on the 31st. It should be lots of fun...I am excited to have everyone here. All our friends that we have made here should be coming.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy Halloween

Eliana's Halloween Pics... she's so cute!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

First Football Game

We went to a high school football game last Friday it was Eliana's first time at one...we had lots of fun, but it sure was cold that night. But Eliana didn't seem to mind and we had lots of fun trying to stay warm.
Found out also that Eliana is 19.6lbs and 28 inches long. Though she was sick when we weighed her so that may not be to accurate.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Eliana's 10 month pictures. It was really hard this time for some reason to really make her pay attention...the leaves were just to much fun and the dirt under the leaves was even more interesting. I can't believe how fast she is growing. I was looking at one of my friends sites and how she just had her baby and she just posted all her pics of when she was in the hospital. It seems like only yesterday that was me. I miss those times but I love watching her learn new things... like playing in the dirt can be fun.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fun with Grandma

This was Eliana a back in August thought I would show it

Kitty meow

Even though she was sick she was still copying every noise she heard.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Play Time

Eliana and I played a lot yesterday...she really enjoyed playing in the laundry basket while i pushed it around the room. Later while I was doing the dishes she played some music on her own home made drum set. It was so cute to see how much fun she was having with the pots and spoons. I guess the best toys are the ones you don't have to buy.