Saturday, March 21, 2009

A day spent with Eliana

I am finally updating this page i can't believe it...Eliana and I spent an evening baking cookies together the other night, we had lots of fun. I am really starting to want to do little things like that with her lately because of Kaden coming so soon.
I also took her out today and was experimenting with my camera though it didn't work out the way I really wanted it to because Eliana didn't really want to take pictures but I got a couple of shots nothing to exciting...if you want to see more of them I am going to post them on my Photo website or you can just click the link I have for it on this page.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pics of Kaden

These are a couple of pics that we got last week of our new little one. I will try to get a pic up of my tummy too soon but I just haven't had the chance to take any lately.