Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's been awhile

Well it has been a long time since the last time that I wrote...we have been very busy with traveling and also we have had family here for 3 weeks. Though lately no one has been here I admittedly have been lazy. We went to Lubbock to see some of our friends for a week and to also see our last AIM class graduate. It's amazing to see our aimers come off the field and they have become whole different's amazing how God works through people.

Eliana is now about 23 pounds...not quite sure how tall she is now but she is a pretty tall little girl but then again I think she is pretty average for her age group. Her favorite words right now are two and three but she kind of combines them into one word. She also says "kitty", "Gucci" (the cats name), "ouch" and what else is new for her to's hard to say because she is really trying to copy our words right now she is always saying something new it's if she remembers how to say it later is the real question.

I got a new camera in hopes that it will help me to further my photography, My mom also got me an Adobe program for Christmas and the above is the result of both of those at work....and a little late night work when I couldn't sleep. I had a lot of pics to choose from and everyone seems to have their own favorite these are a couple of them.