Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Christmas is almost here!!! We thought we would take our Chritmas pictures outside in the snow...brrrrrr...was it cold. We had a friend take these ones for us because I didn't want to run back and forth in the snow. It has been really nice here, the snow makes if feel more like Christmas.
We are getting excited about leaving though for our vacation home to California. I think my family is getting excited that we are coming to. Please keep us in your prayers that the weather here will work with us so we can make it there on time. But according to the weather channel we should get snow on Friday and then it clears up so our flight on Monday should be fine.
Please also keep my family in prayers my Grandmother's health is going down hill pretty fast it sounds like...give my whole family strength during this difficult time.