Kaden and Payton (our neighbors baby who is one month older) they hang out a lot.

Kaden's beautiful Blue eyes

Eliana is growing up

Eliana watching Daddy in the Parade

Proud Daddy with his Babies

We have been really busy since Kaden has arrived the last month seems to have flown by so quickly. Kaden was 10.13lbs at his one month mark. He is getting huge and I was wondering the other day where my newborn went. He already can hold his head pretty steady now and rarely bobs it anymore. Eliana is in love with her little brother, she is always giving him hugs and kisses. And loves helping me by getting diapers and new clothes. She has learned all over letters and can get most of her numbers up to ten...though there are a couple she really really has to think about. New words are always suprising me that she knows and I can't help but think she also has grown up to fast.
Chris and I are awaiting to hear from the Air Force if we will be moving from here to a new base. I really can't wait to leave this place holds a lot of bad memories for us and even though we have gained many good friends here recently I hate to say we have also lost some. We are excited about the new adventure that will await us where ever God may send us.